1969-1988 SMNW Band, Cougarettes, & Flag Team Reunion
at the Aztec Shawnee Theater
Saturday August 21, 2021
11:00am – 5:00pm
Masks will be required for all attendees, all ages.
Lynn has suggested that if you have not been vaccinated to please be tested before attending to make sure you are negative.

11:00 Doors open
11:00-12:30 Slide show and videos from past band performances on the big screen
12:30 band on stage to perform
Immediately following band performance, we will run the videos and the slide show
3:00-? Father Tanner’s Kitchen outside
The big event is this Saturday! A few last minute reminders and information before then. If you have any questions, just let me know. We will open the doors at 11am.
Plan on paying for drinks as you consume, but otherwise there will be no cost. There are a few restaurants open close to the Aztec Shawnee Theater and Father Tanner’s Kitchen Food Truck will be on the street. Because of heath regulations, outside food is not allowed inside the theater.
Betty C’s Bar and Grill
Transport Brewery (limited food availability)
Sanchos StreetSide – in the old Shawnee State Bank building
McLain’s Market – in the old A-OK garage
Old Shawnee Pizza
Pegah’s Family Restaurant
Servaes Brewing Company (no food availability)
Father Tanner’s Kitchen Food Truck (https://www.facebook.com/fathertannerskitchen) will arrive at 3:00pm. There will be orange cones in front of the Aztec Theater so parking will be available for them when they arrive.
Chairs will be setup on stage for those who are playing. Stands will also be provided as well as spit rags (dispose of them in the trash after playing please). We will start playing at 12:30. We will have at least one drum set on stage. Bring your sticks though.
There will be an 88 key keyboard available for those who wish to play.
All parts for Hawaii 5-0 music will be available at the reunion.
Lynn is bringing videos of the marching bands and we will also have a slide show of the bands thru the years. Right now we have SMNW covered with some spattering of Bluejacket Elementary (John Towner), Hocker Grove (Larry Blair), and Trailridge.
We will run the videos prior to the band playing and then immediately afterward.
Parking will be available at city hall; the public parking lot west of the theater; and the parking lot at the back of the theater.
Don’t forget your horn if you are wanting to do some playing! Music, chairs, and stands will be provided on stage. Get your chops ready! If you would like a pdf copy of Hawaii 5-0 prior to the reunion, email Wendi.
Lynn Harrrington, Jane Gard Hoehn, John Towner, Larry Blair, and a lot of former members will be in attendance.